Transforming ROI Measurement for Our Clients with LinkedIn’s (New) Revenue Attribution Report

Transforming ROI Measurement for Our Clients with LinkedIn’s (New) Revenue Attribution Report

Hey there, we’ve been navigating the complex journey of linking our LinkedIn advertising efforts to the tangible outcomes at the funnel’s end. The scenario is familiar: leads are generated, and the metrics appear impressive, yet tracing these back to actual revenue can sometimes be like solving a puzzle with missing pieces.

The Challenge

Imagine the journey beginning with a viewer engaging with a LinkedIn video ad. Their curiosity is sparked, leading them to click through. Perhaps over their morning coffee, they encounter another ad and decide to visit our website. Eventually, they download a white paper, and just like that, we have a lead.

However, the path to an ‘end-conversion’ is not straightforward. In the B2B realm, the decision-making cycle can stretch over months. A lead might only seek out the brand on Google to buy the product, long after the initial ad interaction. This delayed reaction poses a significant challenge in accurately attributing conversions to their rightful sources.

To make it even more challenging, many businesses rely on last-click attribution models, which often fail to recognize the full value of platforms like Meta and LinkedIn.

To address this shortfall, we’ve had to implement geo tests and utilize LinkedIn’s native lead gen forms, followed by manual verification of lead status in the CRM system. This approach, while necessary, significantly prolongs the process of validating a channel’s effectiveness..

The Solution:

Cue the LinkedIn Revenue Attribution Report (RAR), our new best friend. It’s like having night-vision goggles at a midnight maze run. Suddenly, we see everything—the initial ad view, the follow-up ad clicks, the white paper download—it’s all there. RAR tells us how each of these steps our prospect took played a part in the revenue story.

With RAR, we track every handshake and high-five our prospects exchange with our LinkedIn presence, within a generous 180-day window. Every interaction, whether they just peeked at an ad or dove deep into a post, is accounted for. We’re talking about full visibility here. This isn’t just helpful; it’s revolutionary for how we spin our LinkedIn strategies.

In Practice:

So, we’ve got these insights now. What’s next? We tweak, we tailor, and we target better. The data’s telling us stories we never heard before, and we’re all ears. It’s a bit like being a detective in your own business, piecing together clues to solve the mystery of ‘What really leads to a sale?’ So, here’s to fewer puzzles and more complete pictures. With RAR’s intel, we’re not just hoping our LinkedIn ads are working; we’re knowing it, and we’re showing it.

Ivana Mitevska

The author

Ivana Mitevska

Account Lead & Partner @ Lean

If you found this article useful, be sure to have a look here

Learn from the Top Dogs: Winning PPC Tactics from Asana, Monday, ClickUp

Learn from the Top Dogs: Winning PPC Tactics from Asana, Monday, ClickUp

If you want to learn about an industry, pay close attention to what the leaders are doing.  Although it requires a lot of time…
Create High-Performing PPC Ads: Our Research Method Revealed

Create High-Performing PPC Ads: Our Research Method Revealed

2 things that are impossible in PPC: doing too much research & creating a winning ad without proper and in-depth market research and analysis. …
Coffee with Facebook Ads Experts (part 2)

Coffee with Facebook Ads Experts (part 2)

We had a great time discussing Facebook ads on our last 'Coffee with Experts' event! Below you'll find the second round of great questions…

Create High-Performing PPC Ads: Our Research Method Revealed

Create High-Performing PPC Ads: Our Research Method Revealed

2 things that are impossible in PPC: doing too much research & creating a winning ad without proper and in-depth market research and analysis. 

The trick is to perform valuable and insightful research that will help you get to that winning ad concept.

Luckily we have spent the last 8 years successfully managing 91 clients’ PPC accounts from a variety of industries. We have grown accounts from 10x in 1 year to 25x in 2 years. We have done countless analyses, and have developed and implemented many different creative strategies based on meticulous research. So you might say we know a thing or two about the PPC game. 

So how exactly is this different from the regular “PPC Research 101”’s that pop up on your LinkedIn feed? This is our own growth method that brings real results.

To share our battle-proven research methodology, we have performed a full analysis of the top 6 project management brands. With deep diving into this highly competitive industry, we are able to showcase the true power research has in developing ads and real-life examples of our approach.

Lean research methodology

Every ad is directly connected to the business’s bottom line. So, every research is connected to business growth. At least that is how we see & do it. The pillars of our methodology are:

  • The more you know the better:


  • Better means deeper, and deeper means clearer: 

research → analysis & findings 

  • Connecting the dots creates the key:

research → analysis & findings → insights & gaps

  • The key is useless without proper action:

research → analysis & findings → insights & gaps → optimization opportunities

In this report you will learn how each of our pillars supports our methodology. The content is divided by types of research & analysis. Here are the research types and what opportunities we are aiming:

Traffic analysis (Who rules the industry)

We identify the kingpin of worldwide website traffic per channel, as this can also be viewed as an indicator of the success of performance marketing brand awareness campaigns. The end goal is to get a first view of the market on a high level. These brands are our competitors. It’s the starting point from where you find out the right direction.

Review analysis (Who is our competition exactly)

If you want to know about a brand, ask the customers. Well, figuratively. Maybe scores alone don’t tell us anything except who is more popular, but customer reviews certainly do. They tell it all and tell it like it is. We scrape the reviews of our competitors and do a sentiment analysis. When the picture is clearer, we use the negative reviews in message development when bidding against them, and we use the positive reviews to recommend areas of improvement to our client.

Pro tip: rely on G2 for B2B, and Trustpilot for service. If the brand has reviews on multiple review sites – merge the data to figure out who the “top dogs” are and who are the “challengers”.

Paid Search Analysis (How to capture the audience with the right intent on Google)

Now that we have a definite list of competitors we identify high-intent industry keywords and understand where our competitors are capturing the most volume by performing a paid search analysis. This is crucial for (i) structuring campaigns and building keyword buckets, (ii) finding keyword gaps where we can be the leaders in the auction, and also (iii) this gives us an idea of where we should allocate a larger portion of the budget

Ad concepts analysis (How to outsmart the competition on Google)

We can get the keyword & the bid right, and still have 0 clicks on our ads. Google ad copy is the key when it comes to winning ads. We analyze what competitors are communicating on certain keywords to get a sense of what searchers want to read.  How? We manually scrape their headline and (again) do a theme/concept analysis. This way we also find out what competitors aren’t communicating which gives us a clear direction for developing copy that stands out from the rest and ultimately gets the most clicks.

Ad concept analysis (Creating intent for our user personas)

On LinkedIn, creating intent is necessary because the user persona whose attention we are trying to get may not already have it. With that in mind, we analyze how others create it and what they miss out on when advertising. Again we are finding gaps and creating opportunities by using these insights to improve our ad development strategy (from creative to headline to copy).

Landing page analysis (Optimizing for conversions)

The landing page is a make-or-break step in the flow. Either we get people to convert here, or they drop off, and it becomes three times harder to get them to convert later on. We took a granulated approach to find the differences, the gaps, and some inspiration.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to know how deep we go and our step-by-step process, download the full report now, as it will only be available for a limited time. 👇


The author


Delivering premium service, better than an in-house team.

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Scaling a telehealth client within 4 years with 30x SEM Growth and 40% higher efficiency

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This is the story of how our digital marketing efforts enabled the rapid growth of a telemedicine brand from a startup to market leader,…
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To save you the TED talk introduction, I’m Matej, a 3-month fresh recruit at Lean, and here’s my story: When I first stepped into…
Transforming ROI Measurement for Our Clients with LinkedIn's (New) Revenue Attribution Report

Transforming ROI Measurement for Our Clients with LinkedIn's (New) Revenue Attribution Report

Hey there, we've been navigating the complex journey of linking our LinkedIn advertising efforts to the tangible outcomes at the funnel's end. The scenario…

Transforming ROI Measurement for Our Clients with LinkedIn’s (New) Revenue Attribution Report

Transforming ROI Measurement for Our Clients with LinkedIn’s (New) Revenue Attribution Report

Hey there, we’ve been navigating the complex journey of linking our LinkedIn advertising efforts to the tangible outcomes at the funnel’s end. The scenario is familiar: leads are generated, and the metrics appear impressive, yet tracing these back to actual revenue can sometimes be like solving a puzzle with missing pieces.

The Challenge

Imagine the journey beginning with a viewer engaging with a LinkedIn video ad. Their curiosity is sparked, leading them to click through. Perhaps over their morning coffee, they encounter another ad and decide to visit our website. Eventually, they download a white paper, and just like that, we have a lead.

However, the path to an ‘end-conversion’ is not straightforward. In the B2B realm, the decision-making cycle can stretch over months. A lead might only seek out the brand on Google to buy the product, long after the initial ad interaction. This delayed reaction poses a significant challenge in accurately attributing conversions to their rightful sources.

To make it even more challenging, many businesses rely on last-click attribution models, which often fail to recognize the full value of platforms like Meta and LinkedIn.

To address this shortfall, we’ve had to implement geo tests and utilize LinkedIn’s native lead gen forms, followed by manual verification of lead status in the CRM system. This approach, while necessary, significantly prolongs the process of validating a channel’s effectiveness..

The Solution:

Cue the LinkedIn Revenue Attribution Report (RAR), our new best friend. It’s like having night-vision goggles at a midnight maze run. Suddenly, we see everything—the initial ad view, the follow-up ad clicks, the white paper download—it’s all there. RAR tells us how each of these steps our prospect took played a part in the revenue story.

With RAR, we track every handshake and high-five our prospects exchange with our LinkedIn presence, within a generous 180-day window. Every interaction, whether they just peeked at an ad or dove deep into a post, is accounted for. We’re talking about full visibility here. This isn’t just helpful; it’s revolutionary for how we spin our LinkedIn strategies.

In Practice:

So, we’ve got these insights now. What’s next? We tweak, we tailor, and we target better. The data’s telling us stories we never heard before, and we’re all ears. It’s a bit like being a detective in your own business, piecing together clues to solve the mystery of ‘What really leads to a sale?’ So, here’s to fewer puzzles and more complete pictures. With RAR’s intel, we’re not just hoping our LinkedIn ads are working; we’re knowing it, and we’re showing it.

Ivana Mitevska

The author

Ivana Mitevska

Account Lead & Partner @ Lean

If you found this article useful, be sure to have a look here

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2 things that are impossible in PPC: doing too much research & creating a winning ad without proper and in-depth market research and analysis. …
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We had a great time discussing Facebook ads on our last 'Coffee with Experts' event! Below you'll find the second round of great questions…
Ivana Mitevska

The author

Ivana Mitevska

Account Lead & Partner @ Lean

If you found this article useful, be sure to have a look here

Scaling a telehealth client within 4 years with 30x SEM Growth and 40% higher efficiency

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This is the story of how our digital marketing efforts enabled the rapid growth of a telemedicine brand from a startup to market leader,…
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Transforming ROI Measurement for Our Clients with LinkedIn's (New) Revenue Attribution Report

Transforming ROI Measurement for Our Clients with LinkedIn's (New) Revenue Attribution Report

Hey there, we've been navigating the complex journey of linking our LinkedIn advertising efforts to the tangible outcomes at the funnel's end. The scenario…
Ivana Mitevska

The author

Ivana Mitevska

Account Lead & Partner @ Lean

If you found this article useful, be sure to have a look here

Scaling a telehealth client within 4 years with 30x SEM Growth and 40% higher efficiency

Scaling a telehealth client within 4 years with 30x SEM Growth and 40% higher efficiency

This is the story of how our digital marketing efforts enabled the rapid growth of a telemedicine brand from a startup to market leader,…
The struggles of a newbie marketer

The struggles of a newbie marketer

To save you the TED talk introduction, I’m Matej, a 3-month fresh recruit at Lean, and here’s my story: When I first stepped into…
Transforming ROI Measurement for Our Clients with LinkedIn's (New) Revenue Attribution Report

Transforming ROI Measurement for Our Clients with LinkedIn's (New) Revenue Attribution Report

Hey there, we've been navigating the complex journey of linking our LinkedIn advertising efforts to the tangible outcomes at the funnel's end. The scenario…
Ivana Mitevska

The author

Ivana Mitevska

Account Lead & Partner @ Lean

If you found this article useful, be sure to have a look here

Scaling a telehealth client within 4 years with 30x SEM Growth and 40% higher efficiency

Scaling a telehealth client within 4 years with 30x SEM Growth and 40% higher efficiency

This is the story of how our digital marketing efforts enabled the rapid growth of a telemedicine brand from a startup to market leader,…
The struggles of a newbie marketer

The struggles of a newbie marketer

To save you the TED talk introduction, I’m Matej, a 3-month fresh recruit at Lean, and here’s my story: When I first stepped into…
Transforming ROI Measurement for Our Clients with LinkedIn's (New) Revenue Attribution Report

Transforming ROI Measurement for Our Clients with LinkedIn's (New) Revenue Attribution Report

Hey there, we've been navigating the complex journey of linking our LinkedIn advertising efforts to the tangible outcomes at the funnel's end. The scenario…
Ivana Mitevska

The author

Ivana Mitevska

Account Lead & Partner @ Lean

If you found this article useful, be sure to have a look here

Scaling a telehealth client within 4 years with 30x SEM Growth and 40% higher efficiency

Scaling a telehealth client within 4 years with 30x SEM Growth and 40% higher efficiency

This is the story of how our digital marketing efforts enabled the rapid growth of a telemedicine brand from a startup to market leader,…
The struggles of a newbie marketer

The struggles of a newbie marketer

To save you the TED talk introduction, I’m Matej, a 3-month fresh recruit at Lean, and here’s my story: When I first stepped into…
Transforming ROI Measurement for Our Clients with LinkedIn's (New) Revenue Attribution Report

Transforming ROI Measurement for Our Clients with LinkedIn's (New) Revenue Attribution Report

Hey there, we've been navigating the complex journey of linking our LinkedIn advertising efforts to the tangible outcomes at the funnel's end. The scenario…
Ivana Mitevska

The author

Ivana Mitevska

Account Lead & Partner @ Lean

If you found this article useful, be sure to have a look here

Scaling a telehealth client within 4 years with 30x SEM Growth and 40% higher efficiency

Scaling a telehealth client within 4 years with 30x SEM Growth and 40% higher efficiency

This is the story of how our digital marketing efforts enabled the rapid growth of a telemedicine brand from a startup to market leader,…
The struggles of a newbie marketer

The struggles of a newbie marketer

To save you the TED talk introduction, I’m Matej, a 3-month fresh recruit at Lean, and here’s my story: When I first stepped into…
Transforming ROI Measurement for Our Clients with LinkedIn's (New) Revenue Attribution Report

Transforming ROI Measurement for Our Clients with LinkedIn's (New) Revenue Attribution Report

Hey there, we've been navigating the complex journey of linking our LinkedIn advertising efforts to the tangible outcomes at the funnel's end. The scenario…