Transforming ROI Measurement for Our Clients with LinkedIn’s (New) Revenue Attribution Report

Transforming ROI Measurement for Our Clients with LinkedIn’s (New) Revenue Attribution Report

Hey there, we’ve been navigating the complex journey of linking our LinkedIn advertising efforts to the tangible outcomes at the funnel’s end. The scenario is familiar: leads are generated, and the metrics appear impressive, yet tracing these back to actual revenue can sometimes be like solving a puzzle with missing pieces.

The Challenge

Imagine the journey beginning with a viewer engaging with a LinkedIn video ad. Their curiosity is sparked, leading them to click through. Perhaps over their morning coffee, they encounter another ad and decide to visit our website. Eventually, they download a white paper, and just like that, we have a lead.

However, the path to an ‘end-conversion’ is not straightforward. In the B2B realm, the decision-making cycle can stretch over months. A lead might only seek out the brand on Google to buy the product, long after the initial ad interaction. This delayed reaction poses a significant challenge in accurately attributing conversions to their rightful sources.

To make it even more challenging, many businesses rely on last-click attribution models, which often fail to recognize the full value of platforms like Meta and LinkedIn.

To address this shortfall, we’ve had to implement geo tests and utilize LinkedIn’s native lead gen forms, followed by manual verification of lead status in the CRM system. This approach, while necessary, significantly prolongs the process of validating a channel’s effectiveness..

The Solution:

Cue the LinkedIn Revenue Attribution Report (RAR), our new best friend. It’s like having night-vision goggles at a midnight maze run. Suddenly, we see everything—the initial ad view, the follow-up ad clicks, the white paper download—it’s all there. RAR tells us how each of these steps our prospect took played a part in the revenue story.

With RAR, we track every handshake and high-five our prospects exchange with our LinkedIn presence, within a generous 180-day window. Every interaction, whether they just peeked at an ad or dove deep into a post, is accounted for. We’re talking about full visibility here. This isn’t just helpful; it’s revolutionary for how we spin our LinkedIn strategies.

In Practice:

So, we’ve got these insights now. What’s next? We tweak, we tailor, and we target better. The data’s telling us stories we never heard before, and we’re all ears. It’s a bit like being a detective in your own business, piecing together clues to solve the mystery of ‘What really leads to a sale?’ So, here’s to fewer puzzles and more complete pictures. With RAR’s intel, we’re not just hoping our LinkedIn ads are working; we’re knowing it, and we’re showing it.

Ivana Mitevska

The author

Ivana Mitevska

Account Lead & Partner @ Lean

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