Q&A: Besart Lachi

Q&A: Besart Lachi

I have always wanted to be part of the strongest marketing league. Being part of LeanSEM means achieving that goal and an opportunity to be surrounded by top marketers.

Meet our Paid Social Manager, Besart Lachi who just recently reached his 1 Year at LeanSEM milestone. He freshly “evolved” into a Senior Paid Social Manager, and he is expeditiously moving towards achieving his next goals in his marketing career!

  • Choose three words to describe yourself?

“Difficult”, “to”, “describe” ? . I really can not answer with just three words.

  • What’s your current position at the company?

Senior Paid Social Manager. 

  • Was your previous work experience marketing related? How did you find out about LeanSEM, and what made you apply for your work position? 

I have a bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in marketing. In the meantime, I worked in communications and marketing at the NYCM (National Youth Council of Macedonia), where I had the opportunity to contribute to the organization’s development directly and lead projects that now, years later, are still recognizable and I am proud of them.

I found out about LeanSEM through LinkedIn during my master’s studies in Edinburgh and applied as soon as I got back to Macedonia. From the moment I found out about LeanSEM to the moment I applied, it took about 3-4 months. That is how long it took me to read everything available online about the company and decide that it was the right next step in my marketing career.

The crucial information which made me decide was the list of clients with which LeanSEM works. For any marketer who aspires to be a top-level professional, the opportunity to work with such clients and be part of a team that has been successfully helping those companies grow for years is an opportunity that really should not be missed.

  • What does it mean for you to be part of such an agency and such a team?

I have always wanted to be part of the strongest marketing league. Being part of LeanSEM means achieving that goal and an opportunity to be surrounded by top marketers.

  • What did your career path at LeanSEM look like? What milestones have you reached, and what has changed since you got into the Senior role?

While answering this question, I realized that 2020 was not that terrible for me. I got promoted twice during “the year that must not be named”. ?‍♂️

I started as a Paid Social Specialist in December 2019. Then, I became a Paid Social Manager 3 months later. I am now starting in 2021 as a Senior Paid Social Manager.

My career path at LeanSEM illustrates very well the opportunities for career advancement at this company. More importantly, I must highlight, it shows the devotion of LeanSEM as a company to help talented and curious marketers grow by mentoring and supporting them (thanks Lean Team!).

To sum it up, I started 2020 as a motivated and curious marketer, excited to help companies grow. Now, I am starting 2021 in a senior position, responsible and accountable for Paid Social campaigns’ success worth millions.

  • What is your most vital attribute that allowed you to get where you are right now?

Curiosity and critical thinking. I am curious to know and follow what is happening in the marketing world, but also in other areas that are often key to marketing success.

Also, in times of the “fake news epidemic” and various marketing gurus and experts, I think it is crucial to think for yourself and be wise about managing all the information and ideas and influencing the success of your marketing activities.

  • What does “success” mean to you? Do you feel like you are on your way to reaching it; have you perhaps already reached it, or is it just an idea that a person strives for for the rest of his life?

I identify as an impact addict (which is one of the core value of LeanSEM), and day-to-day customer value creation is a success for me.

  • Some say the LeanSEM’s employment criteria are frighteningly high and strict. Do you agree?

I would disagree. I think that the set criteria should be seen as “goals” or a roadmap for what needs to be overcome to become part of a carefully selected company of marketers.

  • What is the mistake you learned the most from?

As marketers, it is our job to identify and correct mistakes as soon as they occur. I practice the same principle for my career development. I recognize my shortcomings and errors, and I talk openly about them with Nenad, Gligor, Gabi, and Andrej, whom I consider mentors at LeanSEM.

I will not mention specific mistakes and shortcomings, but the ability to share them with such mentors infinitely affects my development.

  • What is your biggest fear, and what is your biggest challenge?

I would not say that I have any fears about digital marketing and LeanSEM. We work in a dynamic area that faces rapid and drastic changes, so I’m used to seeing all the changes (including the negative ones) as growth opportunities.

My personal most significant challenge is to keep progressing and moving towards the personal goals I have set with the Lean team.

  • Which of your achievements within LeanSEM are you most proud of?

When I became Paid Social Manager in March 2019, I got 3 clients who were new to LeanSEM as well. Although we worked in a time of great economic crisis, we managed to help all three clients increase their investment by a minimum of 2X, significantly improving efficiency.

In addition, I am super proud of the whole LeanSEM team who achieved to manage $35M in paid ads in 2020, and who helped our clients raise $500M+ in investments.

Lastly, I am definitely looking forward to creating even greater value as a Senior Manager in 2021. ☺️


Want to find out more about our Lean Superstars? Read all interviews.
And, if you have a passion for digital marketing and you see yourself as part of our team – take a look at our open positions 😉


The author


Delivering premium service, better than an in-house team.

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