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Founders’ Story – Why we are not just a PPC Agency?

Founders’ Story – Why we are not just a PPC Agency?

Why we are not just a PPC agency?

Everyone deserves quality time, not just time.


The Founders’ Story

Whenever I tell people that I used to live in California and worked in Silicon Valley for a decade, only to move my whole family back to Macedonia, where I was born and raised, I get tons of confused looks and even more “why’s”.

My life in Silicon Valley was great. I loved literally everything, except for the traffic. Super smart people ready to take action. With bold visions, too, visions that change the world for the better. If you are a person that loves taking action like myself, that’s the place you want to be.

So what made me quit my job as a digital lead at Upwork and leave my comfort zone behind?

I wanted to create my own premium agency!

I knew I could do it, and I was ready to do it! I wanted to build an agency model where every client gets results and insights as fast as possible and as scrappy as possible. A model where only A-players will get matched with the greatest clients and give them the deserved quality time, not just time.

So, we sold everything my wife and I owned, took our two little kids, and hopped on a plane to Macedonia.

It wasn’t easy, it still isn’t, but things like these aren’t supposed to be easy.

My previous experience showed me that Quality always surfaces! Quality trumps quantity too!

I learned that making an impact happens only when we are truly focused!

So my personal „Why’s“ became our main company values today.


We are not just a PPC agency.

Most PPC agencies struggle with the time needed to do a better job – they don’t have the time to focus on quality and value!

It is pretty much impossible if the account managers are working on 10-30 clients simultaneously. If they are slammed, they won’t be able to invest their time and attention in your needs. They won’t be able to see where the real opportunities lie and won’t ask the real questions.

Ultimately, this way, they can’t guide you to grow predictably. You can’t expect them to make the most out of your budget.

What you need is time and attention, not just the smarts.


Vision of an in-house model of a PPC agency for every client.

We believe that the details are what can make or break our clients’ businesses. The clients we work with are getting all the attention they need to grow as fast as possible.

How do we do that?

We are never onboarding a client unless we have the capacity. We limit our PPC experts to no more than 3 clients at a time. We focus on perfecting all the details, and quality is our No. 1 priority.

We deliver “in-house” expertise and attention without prioritizing one client over another. Our model allows our clients to pay far less than they would typically do in the U.S. for this level of proficiency.

On the other hand, our account managers are not being slammed and have enough time to focus on the clients.

We ensure our A-players get the treatment they would get in a Silicon Valley company. We are introducing them to the profit-share model, where almost 20% of the company profit goes back to our people. Our goal is to make it 50% in the future.

Our people are real stake owners and genuinely care for the business, which is why they have stayed with us for a very long time.

So, it’s a win-win game for everybody!


Let’s sum up:

LeanSEM’s vision turned out to be more than just a vision – it’s a recipe for making an impact!

Over the past 5 years, we have been only focusing on the main and the most challenging question:

How to get to results and insights as fast as possible with the least money available?

It built a culture that made clients who spend at least 100 grand a month on PPC stay with us, on average, 3.5 years and counting. For comparison, the same clients won’t waste more than 8 months of their time with traditional agencies.

So, would you like to become a part of our story?

Nenad Molerovich

The author

Nenad Molerovich

Founder @ Lean

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