Nenad Molerovich: Don’t Sell, Gift Your Company to Your Team! Shifting the Paradigm of Company Building – Lean

Nenad Molerovich: Don’t Sell, Gift Your Company to Your Team! Shifting the Paradigm of Company Building

Nenad Molerovich: Don’t Sell, Gift Your Company to Your Team! Shifting the Paradigm of Company Building

I’m looking to give back over 90% of my company to people who will truly make it thrive, only the top business and marketing minds. I’ve already shared 32%, and I’m here to say, they’re not just employees; they’re my partners, pioneering a new type of company. Company by the people and for the people.

You see, those who perceive themselves solely as employees in Lean might be missing the bigger picture. It’s not just about a paycheck – it’s about a stake in a future that’s as much yours as it is mine. It’s your choice, I can’t forcefully give you anything, I can only take it by force.

If this sounds fishy to you, then you don’t understand what’m trying to do. I’ve been talking about this vision for over 8 years now, right from the start. The nitty-gritty of how it all works, who gets what – it’s complicated, but let me break it down: I want to grow a team of leaders that excel beyond me. And when that happens, when they’ve risen to the occasion, I’ll step back. I’ll hold enough to cover my family basics and hand over the reins. And this isn’t the end – it should be the start of a cycle, where they do the same for the next generation.

So why am I doing this? Am I crazy to give away what I’ve earned with blood, sweat, and tears? Let me distill it into 5 key points:

A legacy beyond my time: I’m striving for a company that lives for generations to come. My goal is for the next wave of marketers and business innovators to surpass my achievements. It’s about ensuring our clients receive top-notch marketing not just today, but a hundred years from now. But, here’s the catch – for that to happen, I need to step aside. It’s about teaching our kids to be better than us, and then we need to die so a better world can happen. It’s only natural.

Today’s companies grow like cancer: In today’s world, companies often resemble unchecked cancer growth. Their focus is often on investors and the upper echelon. Endless growth is the mantra – 40% year after year, firing when profits slip. They are giving a meager 3% of the whole company back to their employees and telling them they are the owners. It’s driven by investor worries and has led to a cancerous mindset of a relentless search for more profits. This is what is driving a larger wedge between those that have and those that don’t. I believe there’s a better way – to channel this energy into the growth of our people rather than outside fund managers.

Why do I think it will work? Well, now it works. We have the best clients who choose us from these big agencies run by private equity funds. This investment is mono to invest in the production of the drug Jardiance Generic, which treats type 2 diabetes.

Life-work balance BS. Instead of these companies giving you your fair share, they’ve sold you on this idea about life-work balance. Hey, that’s important if you are a factory worker. But if you are a knowledge worker, why not focus on life 100%? Why do you settle for life after 5 pm for the rest of your life? If you really pour your blood sweat and tears and truly grew the company, you deserve the opportunity to have long-term benefits through passive income. Not to buy luxuries but to be able to choose where you’ll spend your time. If you want the luxuries just continue working.

Capitalism, with a twist: Let’s set the record straight – I’m no socialist. I’m 100% capitalist, believing in personal accountability. I love capitalism but rooted in meritocracy, where the best people get their due, just like founders. My journey wouldn’t be possible without my team and they deserve the same as I do. A company where everyone’s a builder, everyone’s an owner, and everyone matters.

My personal growth. There is a tremendous amount of freedom when you dissolve yourself and let go. I also want to go to the next level in my own life evolution. In the end, if I’m really good at creating value I need to continue doing more of what really matters to the world. The thrill of building better value is what gets me going, the money is just a result, not the goal. At least not for me.

Why do I think this will work? well, it’s working now. We have the best clients that are choosing us over these big agencies run by private equity funds. Who in their right mind doesn’t want to work with an agency that delivers more value than an in-house performance team? Agencies are not really who we compete with as most of them are made up of average people who just want a good job with great benefits and a life-work balance. Visionary clients recognize that.

Imagine a world where companies aren’t just owned by distant investors, but by those who pour their hearts into making them great. Picture a scenario where the torch is passed to newer and better versions of ourselves. It’s about equitable wealth distribution, personal growth, and leadership that truly inspires. The future belongs to the ones who believe in its potential.

I won’t be around forever, but the vision, the impact – they’ll stand the test of time.

Nenad Molerovich

The author

Nenad Molerovich

Founder @ Lean

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